Please note that this site is still under development. Please check back frequently to see updates

A message from the Chair of Upton Village Community Group

A warm welcome to the website for our Community Group which is based in Upton, Wirral. 
Upton Village Community Group (UVCG) was first formed in February 2019 following on from a local community meeting held at St Mary's Church. During our first meetings we formulated a constitution (as a not for profit organisation) and decided what we were initially going to undertake and what areas of Upton Village we would concentrate on. We had a large Committee and flourishing membership.
We worked with residents, traders, businesses, schools, churches, Wirral Borough Council and our local Councillors, Upton Victory Hall and other stakeholders, to start achieving our aims and vision.

Friends of Warwick Park have been with us from the very beginning and we continue to work closely together (as evidenced by the recent Family Funday in Warwick Park in July 2022).

In our first year we started an Upton in Bloom project and now have 12 new planters and several garden borders around the Village. This year we put in for the Northwest in Bloom competition, organised by the RHS, in their 'Neighbourhood' section.

  In October we learned that not only had we been awarded level 5 - Outstanding, the highest level in the competition, but we had also been given a Highly Commended Award by North West Britain in Bloom  
We have also applied for grants from various sources and have been given donations and sponsorships which have enabled us to install 3 new benches, a Village Noticeboard and a brilliant Upton Village sign.

We held our first Christmas Lights switch on event, jointly with with St Mary's Church, in December 2019 and have continued to build up our stock of new lights in subsequent years.

We currently have a Christmas Lights project, "Light up Upton", which will be adding even more new lights to our Village display for 2022.