Please note that this site is still under development. Please check back frequently to see updates

Upton has had Christmas Lights for many years, and people have been under the impression that these, and other Christmas lights around Wirral, have been provided by the Council but this is not the case.

Up until 2018 the lights had been arranged, and paid for, by a group of Traders to make the Village more welcoming over the Christmas period.

Since 2019 Upton Village Community Group has undertaken to raise the funds needed for the lights on the lampposts in Ford Road and Arrowe Park Road as well as those in the trees.

For 2022, the anticipated cost is circa £6,975. We are grateful for all who contribute to the fundraising we do to pay for testing, installation, removal, cleaning and storage for the following year. A Contractor approved by the Council looks after our Lights for us.


In 2022, the Upton Village Community Group Committee agreed that a small working group should start planning both fundraising and other activities early, so that all would be ready for the ‘Switch On’ on Saturday 26th November.

Watch this space to see how they did!