Please note that this site is still under development. Please check back frequently to see updates

In 1869, John James Sainsbury and his wife, Mary Ann, opened a shop at 173 Drury Lane in London. They initially sold just butter, milk and eggs, but quickly expanded the range. This was the start of Sainsbury's Supermarket chain.

123 years later, on the 6th August 1992, the company opened their 330th branch on a plot of land at the junction of Arrowe Park Road and the Upton By-pass.

The company was by now J Sainsbury plc, and the CEO was John Davan Sainsbury, great-grandson of John James.

As part of their 150th Anniversary celebrations in 2019, Sainsbury's offered to provide 150 hours of labour for local community projects.

In May 2019 Iain Johns, who was store manager of the Upton branch

at the time, asked Pat Percival, who was PR Ambassador, if she knew of any  suitable good causes locally. Pat had, the night before, been watching the live meeting of UVCG on Facebook in which Paula Taylor was explaining what she wanted to achieve in the
village. Pat told Iain about her and suggested it would be good for Sainsbury's to do this as they had taken so much out of the village, it was time to put something back.

A meeting was organised between Iain and Paula, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Iain supplied hoes, spades, large plastic containers etc and work started in June with Pat and 2 or 3 others (on a good day as many as 7) from Sainsbury's, they began at the bottom of Arrowe Park Road, clearing the curbs of weeds, grass, cig stubs and rubbish in general. After clearing Arrowe Park Road they continued right around the village.

Paula then asked if the team could clear the garden outside Alex Taylor's office on Old Greasby Road, so Pat, Andy and Phil started work on this area. For details on what they did, please see the "The Steps" Borders section.

After completing their part of the steps borders, the Sainsbury's team moved on to what would become "The Welcome to Upton" Garden by the traffic lights on Old Greasby Road. Again, to see what they did here, please see the "Welcome to Upton" Garden section.