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2019 was the first year that Upton Village Community Group was involved in the Village Christmas lights. In the past the switch on of the lights had been a quiet event, for this year the committee decided that we would stage a major event to celebrate the 'Switch On' of the lights.

Several organisations worked together to put on the event, including Wirral Schools Orchestra, St Joseph’s School Choir, Students from the ‘Theatre for Democracy' Course at LIPA, Phoenix School of Dance, Birkenhead Transport Museum, local Traders, Upton Victory Hall, St Mary’s and others.

Councilor Tony Smith, the Mayor of Wirral, who also lives in the Village, came to perform the 'Switch On’ on the corner of Salacre Lane and Ford Road, outside The Bank Youth Project.

St Mary’s Church was also beautifully illuminated with hundreds of lights around the Church and tower

The Church welcomed people into their building on the day of the ‘Switch On’, where a Family Film was shown. Food and drink was provided for all those who attended.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable and successful afternoon.

