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By November 2021, thanks to the development of vaccines, most restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID had been lifted.

Due to restrictions earlier in the year, Upton Village Community Group had been slow to start raising funds for the Christmas Lights.

The Chair of our committee, Paula Taylor, ran an Open Garden Event and the former Mayor, Councillor Tony Smith, donated money from his Charity Fund to help fund the 2021 lights.

Robin Benson and his team at 'Bake my Day' opened on Remembrance Sunday and did a remarkable amount of business, donating all the proceeds to the Christmas Lights appeal.

Other traders contributed to Raffle Prizes, people donated in collecting buckets in shops and businesses, we ran a Craft Stall and managed to pull together enough to pay for the installation by the skin of our teeth!
St Mary’s welcomed people into their building on the day of the ‘Switch On’, where there was a Magic Show and a Choir sang. It was estimated that more than 250 attended. Then the people gathered outside where the Lights were switched on.

It was a weekend of high winds, heavy rain and storms, with trees being lost around Upton and all over Wirral. There was a slight delay between the Lights on St Mary’s coming on and those in Ford Road which followed shortly after. The Contractor, who installed the Lights, was seen high up securing a set of illuminations to a Lamppost at the top of Arrowe Park Road in the Centre of the Village.

Again the Lights around the Village brought a sense of wonder to people in the dark days of Winter as many looked forward to being reunited with their families over the Christmas period.

