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In 2022, with COVID restrictions lifted, the switch on of the lights returned to the format we used in 2019, with events around the Village supported by local businesses from 3 o'clock in the afternoon, leading up to the actual "Switch On" at 6.00pm.

The "Switch On" was performed outside St Mary's Church by local celebrity Phil Walker, proprietor of Heseltines Butchers. There were more than 200 people watching the "Switch On"

There were Craft Stalls in St Mary's Church, the Victory Hall and outside the Horse and Jockey.

There was also a very popular live reptile display in St Mary's Church.


St Mary's Church also hosted a display by the Phoenix Dancers, a performance of the Greasby Ukulele Band and a Nativity Play.

Around the Village were performances by the LIPA Samba Band, the Port Sunlight Lyceum Brass Band and a Children's Choir.

All of the performances were very well supported and watched by large numbers of people.

There are several new groups of lights in and around the Village for Christmas 2022, including:

The trees on the grass bank at the junction of Saughall Massie Lane and Old Greasby Road are now wrapped in lights;

The Lamppost lights in Ford Road have been extended towards the library;

The trees on the Grass Bank outside St Joseph's Primary School on Moreton road have been wrapped in lights;

There are also additional lamppost lights in the Village and in Arrowe Park Road

Many of the traders in the village also decorated their windows and shops.

